Services for Holistic Wellness and Spiritual Growth

Services in Victoria’s basket of knowledge!


Holistic Wellness and Spiritual Growth Services are available in the following list: Including some of my certifications and where I studied them. Over the years, I have accumulated many services and modalities to assist you in finding wellness, happiness, and peace in their lives

Through self-healing, you can live a more conscious lifestyle. Living in the present means leaving past hurts and unhealthy beliefs in the past, where they belong.

Let go, and step into a new version of yourself! As a result, you will acquire intuition, inspiration, creativity, and energy.

Diplomas & Certificates

  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Specializing in Conscious-Centered Living, University of Sedona
  • Ordained Metaphysical Minister in the Province of British Columbia
  • Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, University of Metaphysics
  • Masters in Metaphysical Counseling, University of Metaphysics
  • Ho o ponopono—Joe Vitale
  • Thai Massage: Wat Pho, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Herbology: -Dominion Herbal College
  • Iridology: Nature’s Way Herbal Health
  • Muscle Response Testing: Nature’s Way Herbal Health
  • Flower Essences
  • Aromatherapy
  • Reiki Master-Nature’s Way Herbal Health
  • Quantum-Touch
  • Emotional Freedom Tapping- EFT
  • Numerology
  • Golden Age of Being Coach –
  • Meditation—West Coast Enlightenment
  • Shamanic Coach –Four Winds Society
uphill climb

Services to Self Heal

I learned many years ago that I cannot heal anyone; you are the one with the power within to heal yourself. I guide and educate you on the path to wellness. For some, it is a slow, long road, and for others, it can be quick and easy. It is your choice as to how much work you are willing to put into your road to recovery and be confident in the results.

Self-Healing means different things to different people. Old programming from childhood can keep us locked in a repetitive cycle of action and reaction. Not always positive.

You have it in YOU

You have within you a deep reserve of healing power, that only you can tap into. So that, you can do the work of clearing old data. YOU are the only one who can make changes to your diet, thoughts, or spiritual understanding. Only you can take the supplements or do the eating and assimilating.

This is self-healing.

I have listed some of my certifications and where I got them. Over the years, I have accumulated many services and modalities to assist you in finding wellness, happiness, and peace in your life.

I learned many years ago that I could not heal anyone! You are the one with the power to heal yourself. I choose to guide and educate others on their path to wellness. For some, it is a slow, long road, and for others, it can be quick and easy it is your choice as to how much work you are willing to put into your road to recovery and be confident in the results.

Learn more about Victoria

Victoria's Services

Helping You Heal Yourself!

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